As most people are probably aware, it takes time and effort to create a podcast. Hours go into booking guests, finding spaces in which to record, meeting up and doing the actual interview, followed by hours of editing and sharing it on various platforms. Then there are the costs of recording devices, domains, podcasting platforms and the likes.

I am extremely grateful for your support.

One-off donation

This is the link to my paypal. you can donate a one-off amount. Like a present. Like a thank-you-present for me, for creating the mohpod. I appreciate it.

Donate via PayPal

Become a regular supporter

patreon is a wonderful site that makes it possible for you to support the mohpod on a regular basis. actually, per episode. it's really cool. it means I can really plan ahead. also, there are rewards! who doesn't like rewards? 

Donate via Patreon